Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

Rebuilding Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: strengthening the links with Crime Science


Chapter 2. Moving home as a flight from crime: Residential mobility as a cause and consequence of crime and a challenge to Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design – Michelle Rogerson and Ken Pease

Chapter 3. “Why my house?” – Exploring offender perspectives on risk and protective factors in residential housing design – Rachel Armitage and Chris Joyce

Chapter 4. Using guardianship and Situational Crime Prevention (SCP) to strengthen Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) – Danielle M. Reynald and Mateja Mihinjac

Chapter 6. Simulating CPTED: Computational agent-based models of crime and environmental design – Daniel Birks and Joseph Clare

Chapter 7. Simulation of dependencies between armed response vehicles and CPTED measures in counter-terrorism resource allocation – Hervé Borrion, Octavian Ciprian Bordeanu and Sonia Toubaline

Chapter 8. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) in Malaysia: Development of a tool to measure CPTED implementation in residential settings – Massoomeh Hedayati Marzbali, Aldrin Abdullah and Mohammad Javad Maghsoodi

Chapter 9. How to ruin CPTED – Ward A. Adams, Eric S. McCord, and Marcus Felson

Chapter 10. A decade developing the delivery of CPTED across Greater Manchester – Leanne Monchuk

Journal issue: new thinking on CPTED 2011


Introduction and principles of CPTED

This presentation sets out the basics of CPTED, identifies some limitations and suggests improvements:

Ontology of CPTED

Redefinition of CPTED

A redefinition in depth of CPTED addressing a range of strategic issues.  CPTED is:

  • Reducing the possibility, probability and harm from criminal and related events, and enhancing the quality of life through community safety,
  • Through the processes of planning and design of the environment,
  • On a range of scales and types of place, from individual buildings and interiors to wider landscapes, neighbourhoods and cities,
  • To produce designs that are ‘fit for purpose’, contextually appropriate in all other respects and not ‘vulnerability led’,
  • Whilst achieving a balance between
    • the efficiency of avoiding crime problems before construction
    • and the adaptability of tackling them through subsequent management and maintenance.

The emphasis is on process, so the definition is deliberately not confined to any particular products or kinds of intervention.

Discourses for describing the environment

CPTED in other cultures and climes

Publications and presentations



Seminar, KTH/Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. (Longer.)

International CPTED Association conference, Calgary, Canada. (Funnier.)

6th Ajman International Urban Planning Conference, United Arab Emirates 2013.

Keynote, EU-Project ‘Planning urban Security’: Vier Länder auf dem Weg zur Kriminalprävention in der Stadtentwicklung (Four countries on the path to crime prevention in urban development), Hanover.

Crimprev Urban Criminology Workshop on Environmental Criminology, Keele